Puzzle Pieces Towards Happiness

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‘Puzzle Pieces Towards Happiness’

By Marquevious Wallace

Clarke County Public Schools K-12

"My piece shows resilience because with these four things (music,mom,basketball,and my faith) in my life, I can be the happiest person ever. The four pieces are basically pieces that keep me going. I used a photo of my mom on one piece because without her I wouldn’t be half the person I am now. She has really opened my eyes and I know I can always count on her. Another thing is my faith and music.The fact is I can rely on God and this faith keeps me going. Music helps a lot when I am feeling down. If I just put my earphones in and jam out, I feel transported into another world and it comforts me. The last piece is basketball. I can go to the gym and play basketball for literally 4 plus hours and love every second. I am fascinated with the game and how I continue to improve. It also takes my mind off of things. I drew and painted other puzzle pieces to represent how my life isn't all the way connected yet and I am even missing some pieces. "